Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post - Impressionism

Les Nabis

      These paintings are very interesting and I liked 'The Talisman' a lot, but it doesn't seem so abstract to me, it is almost abstract because the objects aren't outlined and becase you can't see where the reflection in the water  begins, but you can clearly identify most of the objects. 

      Although Denis, Ranson and Valloton's paintings are very well made, and Denis is right about a painting being just a set of colors in a specific order, I rather when paintings have a 3D effect because paintings in real life are essentially that just colors and in 2D but in the observers mind it could be 3D it could pop out, it could sink in, it could do anything. I put 'The persistance of memory' just as an example, the first one which came to my head because I actually have a replica in my room, of a painting which isn't in 2D.

Early Modern Sculpture 

    • Auguste Rodin
      I really liked the 'Man with the broken nose' because it's not onl very realistic, it caused controversy at the time and it look so painfull but the man seems to be handling himself very well. 

      I've always liked 'The thinker', everytime I look at tha sculpture it makes me think myself about deep things, because in my opinion his look is very concentrated and deep, like he is 'gone' to think alone.
      As for the 'unfinished' finished scultpures I didn't think they weren't finished because I think giving that effect to a sculpture makes it feel alive.

      Certainly though, my favourite of his is 'Gates of hell' because it is just overwhelming the amount of details on each figure and theres hundreds of them. It makes me want to go in there even if it's the gate to hell. This is unveliebably good and astonishing. Like just a few things I wan't to see in person so badly, I yearn to see it in person.

    • Camille Claudel
      I must begin saying that I didn't think there were women sculptures because, I don't know, but I feel like making sculptures requires a lot of strength.

      I like the fact that she used more than one material in a single sculpture. Although in most of her sculptures I've seen they seem to be trying to show a dispair-like feeling.

    • Aristide Maillol
       I think the women in these scultpures, although they seem a bit too big, at least in the pictures, look extremely realistic and well made. They look like an actual women but frozen. Although, I think some of the poses they're in could be very difficult or the women would have no reason to be like that.

Gustav Mahler 

      I must admit I didn't heat the whole thing, but I did hear a large part and I quite liked it, not too much at the start because it too bright and happy, and I don't like that in a symphony. But when it goes to heavier lower tones it is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting comments, Pablo.

    I agree that Rodin's "unfinished" sculptures are very alive. I too like the way that Camille Claudel combines different materials in the same sculpture. I like the fact that, even though she was in a relationship with Rodin, she didn't imitate his work; if anything, he imitated HER in a few pieces. She was very much her own women.

    Mahler overall has more heaviness than lightness, but when he has the light moments, it is like he is nostalgic for an Austrian country boyhood.
