Monday, February 4, 2013


This is a very interesting play. I liked it a lot because of the plot but also because I is a bit unconventional and it involves some weird or maybe creepy stuff such as she kissing on the mouth the head of the dead prophet. Also I thought it was overreacting when the Young Syrian killed himself and he fell between Salome and Iokanaan but they didn't seem to care, nor Herod or Herodias, who instead took it as an omen.

I really like the script, I think I would enjoy very much watching the play being performed.

I liked a lot, at the beginning, how they compared the moon to all those things, like a dead women, a woman dancing, it's just very nice to imagina that. 

I also liked how they start criticizing people for discussing religion and then they talk about their Gods. The Nubian says his gods are very harsh and they sacrifice 150 people every year but its not enough. The Cappadocian thinks the roman drove his Gods out, but he thinks they are dead. And the Jews worship only things that one cannot see. "the Cappadocian: that seems to me altogether ridiculous.", And that is true so that was funny.

After reading Salome I can understand how a painter could've come up with 'Salome with the head of John the Baptist' which at first glance if very weird and abstract and interesting.

Although, there could exists many different depictions or interpretations of Salome like in Richard Strauss' opera in which she is this crazy women not that beautiful, I think the best is the one in which she is interpreted as a crazy but beautiful and calm, almost naive women because it causes greater impact.

I thought it was funny that, at the very end, even though the decapitation and the near-necrophilia scene happens, Herodias, her mother is like 'yeah, she done alright'. If I could add something to the play, it would certainly be that they kill Herodias as well.

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