Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Out of all the movements that exist and to exist, Surrealism is my favourite by far. Especially on paintings and cartoons which I love to watch. They are just so much better than anything else, even when they had Breton on their backs, these are still the best and most interesting and greatest paintings and it is a bit underrated, but I like the fact that it is underrated, since not everyone knows it like everyone knows Monet or Van Gogh, and they surely don't know what they're missing. In my opinion, in literature, film, theater, poetry, paintings, cartoons, sculpture or just about anything, surrealism is the most interesting and the most worthy to watch. And the reason I think all this is that in one surrealist painting there can be like a thousand meanings and more and they are so interesting, unlike, realist or impressionist or even abstract in fact which yes are interesting but not anywhere near as much as surrealism. Also because they are the most creative, the most outside the box and the closest proof that painting can and is a great thing to watch when it is properly made since because it has absolutely no limits in how far imagination can go. Also most of them are violent and aggresive and I love that, even the titles are amazing.

I actually have two Salvador DalĂ­ paitings (The persistance of memory and meditative rose) hanging in my room, who is probably the most know but still great. Few of them I knew already like Miro and Magritte. and 'Solitude' by Paul Delvaux.

There usually is but only this time there hasn't been an actual painting that I didn't like.

It actually is kind of sad. I can't begin to express how much I would like to go and see each and everyone of these and more surrealist paintings, much less express how bad it feels to know that that day is in fact, so far away. I've only had the chance to be in Fida Kahlo's museum in mexico city.

Surrealist Sculpture

Surrealist sculpture is very interesting because what the title says almost only remotely related to what you can actually see but completely relates to what the sculptor wanted to say. Just like in paintings none at all realist but way beyond that and also the most interesting, probably not the most shocking or amazing like the Gates of hell which has a billion figures but they are still more interesting to watch.

Surrealist Comics, Cartoons, and Illustration

I also love surrealist cartoons and comics as I mentioned before. It is just amazing and the most fun and interesting to watch.

For years and years when I was a young boy maybe age 4 or 5 I started to watch Courage, the cowardly dog, which is a surrealist humor cartoon. For almost 10 or 11 years I watched it every single day in the morning and I still would although it is not shown or produced anymore. He has ennemies from an army of eggplants to weird monsters and animals and each and everyone shows surrealist and sybolist features. His arch enemy was an alien duck and he was often helped by a floating white head with no eyes.

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